

“The stories are endless.”

Position: Assistant Manager

Responsibilities: Look over maintenance guys, help with hiring, help the reptile department, various odds and ends jobs

Lance started out working at Reptile Gardens in 1995 by doing maintenance when he was 16 years old. Not too long after that he began working on helping with reptile shows up until about 2014 when he moved up to Assistant Manager. While working at Reptile Gardens he gained his Business Administration degree, which he said he values a great deal and helps him in his job daily.

Since he’s been there for quite a few years, he’s had numerous experiences that makes it hard to pick just one that is his most memorable. After being bit by an alligator, doing thousands of various shows, and having a bat attack him during a show, he said it’s hard to pick one.

Best part of the job: It’s easy to figure out, however, what Lance’s favorite part of the job is, and that’s the people, from the employees to the Guests.

“Working with young people keeps you young. Pretty much from the get go, the camaraderie is a big part of it. Everyone is part of the group.”

Things to know about Lance:

1.He likes to spend as much time as possible with his daughter and two sons.
2. He loves doing outdoorsy things, such as hiking, and also enjoys lounging with his kids.
3. He has a Chiweenie, a Chihuahua and weenie mix.

Dog Policy

We love all animals, wild and domesticated. Unfortunately due to a high number of recent incidents with dogs, our insurance company has advised us that we can no longer allow dogs, or other personal pets, on the Reptile Gardens grounds. ADA approved service dogs are, of course, allowed although there are three areas where they are not allowed for their safety and the safety of our animals. We do offer a shaded grassy area adjacent to our parking lot for walking your dog. We only ask that your pet be leashed and attended to at all times. You are welcome to come and go from the park as often as you like to tend to your dog. For more information, visit our FAQ Page


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