
Scales and Tales

Tag > reptile questions

Here We Go Again and Again and Again! A stupid snake story rears its ugly head one more time.

This photo has been floating around the Internet since 2010 and now for the new year 2017, here it is again. So, I will rerun the post I made about it during its 2012 appearance. Some of the "facts" have changed a bit from the last time it showed up as it always the case with pure fabrication.Stupid Snake story-1

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I Just Found a Deadly Coral Snake...Well No, Not in South Dakota You Didn't.


Pale Milksnake

One of the most common snakes in South Dakota, west of the Missouri River, is a little-seen snake called the Pale Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata). These snakes are surprisingly common around here but are very secretive and so, people are often not familiar with them. They love the rains in the spring and fall, which increases the likelihood of encounters with humans.

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Hold My Beer and Watch This!

So, now that we know how to avoid rattlesnakes and what to do if we encounter one. What should we do if we don't follow Terry's advice and leave all snakes alone? What if the odd encounter happens where we unknowingly step on or sit next to a rattlesnake and the unfortunate occurs?

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Why in MY Yard?

Snakes are an integral part of our ecosystem and are, in fact, the number one predator of rodents and other little creatures we consider pests. These pests can be carriers of even nastier pests and diseases. So, in fact, we should be grateful for our legless neighbors.

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Springtime Means Warmth and Flowers and, Yes, Rattlesnakes

It's that time of year again — Spring in Western South Dakota. Our spring brings rain (maybe), sunshine, green grass, the occasional snowstorm, tourists, and of course rattlesnakes.

Pretty soon we will start getting frantic phone calls from local folk with snakes in their yard and from animal control with rattlesnakes in buckets that they got from those same yards. We will hear from people asking how to avoid them when hiking, camping and fishing, from those who want to know how to keep rattlesnakes out of houses, garages and yards, and, of course, what to do if they encounter a snake.

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Hey, Where's Your Top 10 Most Deadly Snakes List?

Rhinoceros Viper

For many years we had an immensely popular "Top Ten Most Venomous Snakes" list posted here at the Reptile Gardens and, subsequently, on our web site. Many of you remember this list and have asked about it. We get thousands of web search hits to our site every year looking for just such a list.

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Yikes! Another Fake Giant Reptile

This photo keeps resurfacing and several of our staff members just got it emailed to them again. So, in our unending crusade to dispel as many reptile myths as we can we will have a go at this one.

Huge gator, or forced perspective?Huge gator, or forced perspective?

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"Protecting Your Family, Pets and Livestock from Snakes"

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

This is part 3 of our answer to a recent question involving increased snake activity in the Black Hills. If you missed them, read Part 1 and Part 2 . This time we'll give you some advice on how to protect yourself and your animals from snakes.

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6 Ways to Entice Snakes Onto Your Property

Mojave Rattlesnake Mojave Rattlesnake

We recently responded to a question about the rattlesnake population in the Black Hills. Part of the question asked if people could take steps to actually reduce that population.

As we explained, this perception of a snake population increase is mistaken, so there really isn't an overpopulation issue.

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Welcome to Reptile Gardens' Blog!

Reptile GardensReptile Gardens

Welcome to our new blog!

We started this blog because many of you have questions about reptiles and about Reptile Gardens.

Some of what we offer here will be technical, some fun, and some will simply be news.

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Dog Policy

We love all animals, wild and domesticated. Unfortunately due to a high number of recent incidents with dogs, our insurance company has advised us that we can no longer allow dogs, or other personal pets, on the Reptile Gardens grounds. ADA approved service dogs are, of course, allowed although there are three areas where they are not allowed for their safety and the safety of our animals. We do offer a shaded grassy area adjacent to our parking lot for walking your dog. We only ask that your pet be leashed and attended to at all times. You are welcome to come and go from the park as often as you like to tend to your dog. For more information, visit our FAQ Page


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